On Friday I had a 15:30 pm lunch date with two friends who also work in graphics. We were to eat sushi and talk shop. Perfect. But there I was, quite peckish at 1330, and the prospect of two more hungry hours to go.
I went to the kitchen, thinking maybe of eating some toast, or raw carrots, when I found a jar of lentejas al natural. More cautious rummaging around in the fridge revealed a celery stick. I thought I could do worse, even if the whole thing felt very much like a 1970s hippy-vegetarian conceit.
I feared with each mouthful I´d start to feel as if I´d knitted my own socks out of hemp, and my hair had grown a yard. But actually, I found the whole thing very elegant and spare, almost sophisticated, in fact.
I think we may be seeing a lot of this one, to bolster up sandwich dinners or meagre lunch boxes. It´s filling, but not overwhelming, and takes seconds to fix, which is good news when you´re snacking before what you know will be a good lunch later.
Elegant lentil salad
Lentils from a jar, drained
Celery, chopped very fine
Sherry vinegar, olive oil, plenty of pepper.
Chopped parsley goes very well with this too, as does lemon juice.
10 comentarios:
Que cosas!! y suena rico y todo.
You knit?
Don't think I've ever seen lentils in a jar here. Sometimes the simplest recipes are the best, aren't they?
I've never seen lentils in a jar either. Very handy. I like lentil salad and would probably eat it more often if I kept jarred lentils in my pantry. And sherry vinegar with lentil salad sounds like a very nice touch.
Simplicity is divine.
First time here--you have a delightful blog!
This is my first visit to your blog. Love your drawings!!!
I'll have to chime in with the others - I don't believe I've seen lentils in a jar, either. But then again, I doubt if I've ever looked for them. It's possible that we would have them in a can. (Doesn't everything come in a can in the U.S.?) But this gives me the idea that the next time I make lentils, I will set some of them aside for this kind of lunch. I'll don my hemp tee-shirt, stick a flower in my hair, put on some Joanie Mitchell and enjoy! ;-)
Yep, lentils, chickpeas and beans all come in jars here, if they´re just cooked in water. We seem to reserve the tins for ful-on dishes like fabada. But of course for this salad I daresay tinned lentils are quite ok, too.
Thanks for your visits, Susan and Toni, welcome.
Yep, lentils, chickpeas and beans all come in jars here, if they´re just cooked in water. We seem to reserve the tins for ful-on dishes like fabada. But of course for this salad I daresay tinned lentils are quite ok, too.
Thanks for your visits, Susan and Toni, welcome.
Are jarred lentils slimey? I'm always cautious of them because they look a bit like something that came from a pond... but then again, I have a minor lentilphobia to begin with, regardless of the fact that I buy them constantly because I think they're cute... It's an illness.
Hi ann: all beans in jars or cans are a bit slimy, but a quick rinse is all they need. Unless they´re very good and have no preservatives at all, in which case I just shake them about well in a colander and that´s it.
I have your same problem with blackeyed peas and black beans. I buy them, don´t cook them, and it´s just silly.
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