That´s the bill for our lunch last Friday. J is a staunch Katsudon man, always and forever. I usually have the sushi lunch deal, but lately I´ve discovered Nabeyaki. I love it. It comes in a little cast iron pot, which makes for a huge bowl of noodles, in which basically everything nestles. Seaweed, crab, mushrooms, cabbage, fried tempura dough, and a raw egg. It arrives piping hot, the broth clear, the tidbits hidden in the noodles, making it a lot of fun to prise them out one by one, until all that´s left is a little puddle of broth that has become cloudy and mellow. I love it. Kawara´s been supposed to be closing for years now, but is still open. However, every time I go I feel it may be the last, which certainly gives the experience an added kick.
7 comentarios:
I love it too. Esta semana podemos ir.
awesome illustration.
ooh, the illustration on the bill is wonderful. i love the whole thing.
one of my fav japanese restaurants in madrid! I want sushiiii! :D
I forgot something, have you been to Summa? All you can eat! ;)
Nabeyaki is wonderful -- I've had it here in the US and also while traveling in Japan several years ago. I love the drawing on the bill!
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