Well, what do you know. When I left the country a week ago it was sunny and mild. People thronged to the beaches, and you could find peaches in the market.
Five days later I came back to a different place. Mists and mellow fruitfulness seem to have swept the board.
I´d go out with a wicker basket and stock up on pumpkins and ceps, except that it´s raining pretty hard, and I can´t be bothered. I can´t even be bothered to go to my mother´s for lunch, even if tortilla de patatas is promised. I´ll stay in. A quick rummage in my freezer has given me a spicy tomato soup.
Just the thing to eat hunkered deep in the sofa, while I watch "The searchers". Nothing like a golden orange western and soup to neutralize the blue rain outside.
I can´t remember very well what there was in it, or I´d give the recipe. I suspect it´s a basic elemental onion-garlic then cumin and coriander, then a couple of carrots and a tin of tomatoes plus stock and a dried chili. Maybe thickened with some rice, and blitzed to a creamy consistency.
And if not, that´d be a good soup too.
7 comentarios:
I love that very casual tomato soup recipe you just rattled off... sounds tasty, indeed!
A scarf, a scarf. My kingdom for that scarf.
It would be quite a good soup - and just the thing for such cold, rainy days!
pero que fresquisima eres dando recetas.
What's the movie watching equivalent of well read? Whatever it is, you are it. I love that you're watching The Searchers on a rainy day in Spain. And your soup sounds as if it would be color coordinated with a golden orange western.
Julie: I don´t really remember what I did. But if I do it again, I´ll be more precise.
Guru: I know. I don´t have it, but thought I´d get it out of my system if I drew it.
Ellie: it was pretty good, yes.
xps: es que correos está fatá.
Julie: I think the word you´re looking for is "movie geek". It really was perfect, and matched the soup exactly.
i just discovered the beauty of using rice to make soups creamy
it's absolute brilliant!
you europeans think of everything ;-)
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