Yesterday we had Sunday morning pancakes, a rare occurrence, but one I really love. I make the batter, J makes the cakes, and we take turns to eat them while they´re hot, drenched in maple syrup and lemon juice.
I also tried to make a strawberry sauce to go with them, by boiling down some sorry looking frozen strawberries I had, with a splash of water and a couple of teaspoons of sugar.
But we gobbled up the pancakes very quickly, and the sauce looked rather gross anyway. I tried pressing it trhough a sieve it seemed ok, a syrupy dark red liquid.
I poured two tablespoonfuls of this, later, into some ice tea. And that I am very happy with. Sugar-free Nestea always needs some tricking out, wether a squeeze of lemon juice or a few mint leaves.
This strawberry syrup makes it a little pink, and changes the flavour just enough.
If you put pieces of strawberry in it, it looks so pretty that you feel you have to throw some kind of a tea party, complete with cucumber sandwiches and teddy bears.
26 comentarios:
Oooh la la -- strawberry iced tea sounds delicious! Does it turn a pretty pink, too?
¡Me apunto a esa party!
I'm loving your blog. I am going to try a few of your recipes.
Maple syrup AND lemon juice on pancakes? My god, that sounds just dreamy! I've never heard of such a thing, but I think I might have to have pancakes for dinner now just to try it out. I'm so excited! thanks!
Your picture is lovely, and I will try this trick when my strawberries are super-ripe. But I really just wanted to say I smiled because when we have a special pancake morning, I ALWAYS make the batter, and my husband ALWAYS cooks the cakes!
Pancakes can be tricky, can't they? I don't mean the making - I use your quick and easy batter and they come out a treat. But sometimes it's awkward when one person is getting all hot and flustered trying to be quick in the kitchen and the other person is waiting semi-impatiently at the table. And even then the pancakes can arrive nearly cold! It's enough to make you want a breakfast bar and a large family to help out .. sounds like you have the co-operation worked out though. Well done!
Lydia: well, pink-er, but not full-on pink. Very pretty, though, I promise.
Le blog: ay sí. qué bien.
Moi: thanks! I hope you do, and that you like them.
Ann: it´s heavenly. But then, I tend to put lemon juice on everything, so don´t trust me too much.
Maggie: Don´t use your best strawberries, it seems to work with any old things. And yes, isn´t it great to divide labour on Sundays?
Naomi: the hot-fluster thing is terrible, that´s why we take turns. But we only eat this in the kitchen, and the table is just a few inches away from the stove, so there´s never much fear of them getting cold. Lucky, that.
Que rico el té, pero sobre todo con las tortitas.
Love your blog. I am looking forward to trying some of your recipes! I love new foods.
it's makes me hungry! ;)
While you're at it, why not post your fav. pancake recipe? I realize pancakes pretty much follow the same formula, but maybe you have a different one.
I enjoyed the tip about the strawberry syrup, will def. try that sometime. :)
I love your blog. Nice little tip about the strawberry sauce, will definitely try that sometime. While you're at it, just to beef up the content a bit, why not post your twist on the classic pancake recipe? :)
I love this idea, am going to try it out on my mum-in-law, who is a diabetic!
Xps: no veas, maja. como ya nunca vais conmigo a vips...
The yartym´s: thanks, hope you do and that you like them.
Birke: well, it´s lightweight, so try it.
Mary: the pancake recipe is the basic elemental one one one, but I did link to it. unless you mean the lemon and maple syrup? I suspect that may just be a terrible habit...
Damyati: ok, but be careful, because I did add two spoonfuls of sugar to the syrup!
Maria: you bet
Why is everything Spanish
I've never liked iced tea but your strawberry syrup idea makes me want to go try it! Oooh, I wonder if raspberry syrup would be good too? Cute blog, by the way! It's adorable!
I really enjoyed reading over this entry and looking at the pictures you have on other postings. I'm glad I found this through blogs of note. :)
Hi dropping in from Mumbai, India. Lovely illustrations. And was great to read about Spanish food while watching Spain play Russia. And guess what? Spain scored the first goal as I typed this:)
sounds delicious. nice blog!
I often do pancakes for breakfast when we have guests, its a great start to the day.
I saw you on the Blogs of Note page. I'm a FP on Foodbuzz, too. I love Spain. I went about 10 years ago as a teenager. Madrid was a big, scary Spanish New York City to me. I spent the entire time in my hotel. I did meet Charlton Heston though. I hope to come back here often. Mucho gusto.
Tried lots of different kinds of tea. The best is just made with some lemon mint from the back deck in it.
Love strawberries and pancakes ;]
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