The heat has finally arrived. I´m taking pains to close my shutters at noon, to top up the bottles of cold water in the fridge, and to plan my walks carefully, so I´m in the shade as much as possible.
Not that it matters, because when it´s hot it´s hot, and that´s that. But melons have arrived, and they´re always a compensation, wether eaten in chunks or served up, retro-style, with cured ham. Or in the chilled-soup version.
A chilled soup is a good thing to have around on 35ºC plus days like these. Especially if you have guests and want to look like you´ve made an effort, when all you have on the table is cheese and bread.
The only important proviso is that you make it with a juicy melon, the kind we call "toad skin". Galias or cantaloupes are not really going to be any use, because what you want is a fruity pulp on which to float your jamón slivers, nothing more.
So anyway, here´s your recipe, perfectly suited for a blistering day, or for that frustrating moment when you realize that the melon you lugged from the market is only so-so.
Cut the melon, blitz in a processor with a pinch of salt, a good sprinkling of lemon juice, and a grind of pepper. Serve in pretty bowls, and dot liberally with shards of serrano ham (the better the better, of course, but it won´t do to waste your prime ibérico on this).
That´s it.
17 comentarios:
¡Qué linda la ranita!...O el sapito...
Cold melon soup on a hot day -- sounds perfect!
We are anxiously awaiting the blistering heat in the Sunny Okanagan district of British Columbia, Canada and apparently it is to arrive tomorrow! This receipe sounds perfectly divine for a post summer solstice Saturday. Thanks.
Simply divine!
Hola! Estuve en Madrid hace unos días, pero el calor desafortunadamente aún no había llegado. Me alegro mucho de que ya el simple hecho de andar por la calle a mediodía dentro de poco será un poco molesto ;), pk de otra forma no sería la ciudad que me ha robado el corazón :)
Como siempre me encantan tus estupendos dibujos...
yeah..its nice
Perfect great for summer!
I like the illustrations very much! I'd love to see them animated??
Nice blog. Keep the good work going. I `ll come check it out again later. http://www.onlinewebwatch.blogspot.com
Sounds refreshing
Worth a try
Sounds simply delightful :)
Man, it is hot here in Southern California right now. This sounds like the perfect antidote. Is the melon you're referring to Piel de Sapo? I've always wanted to try growing that.
le blog: sapito lindo lindo, a que sí?
Lydia: not too bad.
High deser damsel: I hope your summer arrived on time
Angie: siendo que te lloviera, pero bueno, mejor que los cuarenta grados, seguro. muchas gracias!
Vignaesh ram: thanks!
Costigan: per-fect
San francisco photos: yes, not really my thing, I´m afraid. I´m strictly a single image, two-dimension girl, but thanks.
Work4pay: thank´ee,
Allaboutattitude: yes, not too complicated, and refreshing.
Kareer woman: glad you think so.
Christina: way too hot here, too. And yes, Piel de Sapo. best melon in the world, you´ll see.
Always enjoy reading your blog. Fortunately in Oz its nice & cool. Translating recipes is a challenge when, for example, a Spanish recipe calls for melon, and you know that it should be a Piel de Sapo and we substitute with canteloupe. Luckily we now have the real jamon - iberico - heaven.
Sounds delicious and refreshing--and I adore the illustration!!
I love the frog!
It is really fun to browse for different recipes, I am learning a lot and also thanks for sharing your ideas because at the same time I am also trying my best to learn how to prepare (decent meals :-) Busby SEO challenge
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