The cupboards, though a shadow of their former selves, still yield up treasures. A tin of sardines, half a head of garlic, ok then, let´s see what´s left in the pasta drawer: nothing. Only, no, wait, there´s a package of japanese soba noodles. I wonder, will the buckwheat go well with the sardines? Probably. I go to the freezer to get some ice for a glass of water while I cook, and that´s when I see the little packets of nuts. What to do? A sauce foriana of sorts, with less garlic and pumpkin seeds as well as pinenuts, because that´s what I have. Except that my blender is in a box somewhere, so instead of a paste, I make a chopped up mix of nuts and garlic, and very delicious it is, too. Perfect with the robust sardines, and a great match for the noodles. Next time I´ll probably choose normal pasta, or perhaps whole wheat, but for tonight I couldn´t be happier with my meal.
You can find the recipe for sauce foriana here. It´s one of those oh-oh-oh why haven´t I been making this every week of my life things. It´s supposed to be tossed with pasta, but have a jar in the fridge and you´ll find yourself putting it iinto all sorts of things, like steamed broccoli, focaccia or creamy soups.
6 comentarios:
Mmm your from the pantry sauce foriana sounds tasty. I'm kind of unfamiliar with soba noodles, what is their texture like?
Hi Dana
Soba noodles are grey and a bit rough in texture, a little like wholegrain pasta but much more delicate. THey´re great, but next time I´ll probably have the foriana with normal pasta, or bruschetta.
kuh kjh kjh kj hj
food is my weakness......like it!.....good blog....
food is my weakness......like it!.....good blog....
food is my weakness......like it!.....good blog....
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