At first we lived on sandwiches and scrambled eggs, but we soon graduated to roast chicken, and once the smell of stock drifted to every corner of the house (which I normally hate) it felt much more like home.
I´m still struggling with the shopping, as is only natural, because we´ve just arrived. Everything is very different from what I´m used to. Where before I had no pantry to speak of, and a very good market at my doorstep, now I have huge cupboards shops an uphill 15 minute walk away.
There is a fishmonger who sells mostly very unfamiliar hot- smoked fish (cool), a butcher who looks like he is about to referee the Wimbledon final but who has everything already cut up, so I don´t recognize anything, and nowhere to buy vegetables but a supermarket.
This is confusing, but I love to shop for food so I´ll figure it out. And even though we have a cavernous dishwasher, doing the dishes with that lovely view of our overgrown garden is quite a pleasure.
10 comentarios:
There are no good vegetables in Scotland. The local population isn't keen on them. Your picture looks exactly like my kitchen window too - especially the grey sky (although not today, yay!)
Good luck settling in to your new home :)
Good luck! There is MUCH to be loved in Scotland, and I miss it.
You will find your rhythm and the rhythm of Scotland soon enough. And then you'll find that people who like vegetables grow their own! Hope the move was not too difficult and that you will all enjoy your new home.
Y en un pis pas te habrás hecho a tu nueva vida...Me gustan las vistas de tu nueva cocina. BESOS
That's a very Scottish view! You'll figure out the farmers markets etc soon. I do miss Scotland a little, though I have no idea how living (and shopping for food) in Aberdeen compares to living in cosmopolitan Edinburgh...
oh wow. from madrid to aberdeen. wow.
all the best settling down but I'm sure you'll discover all the veggie spots soon enough (you can probably buy fruit directly from any fruit orchards in the area, check those out. lots of delicious berries in scotland.)
qué simpáticos son tus lectores. besos. me gusta mucho el dibujo.
I hope you and your family have become more linked to wonderful food in your new home. I missed your blog for a bit -- and surprise! big changes. Looking forward to more lovely drawings and food.
Ximena, qué bien volver a leerte y ver que estás contenta. El dibujo me encanta!! planta vegs en el garden.
Un beso, Blanca
Qué bonito, y el de Ximenitadibuja también me encanta, se te da muy bien el negro, te veo inspiradísima Xim, aunque tú no te des cuenta!...Y hala, como te dice todo el mundo: a sembrar, a sembrar marinera!
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