
Knife skills course, part 1

Yesterday we had the first leg of the knife skills course at Alambique with Alonso Roche. I really enjoyed it. I will never peel an onion the same way. My chopping might not change so much, because all those nifty little shapes professionals make come at the cost of a huge amount of scraps. And I don´t make stock every day, and I don´t mind irregularity in my soup at all.
But it was a lot of fun to chop carrots into tiny dice for a delicious soupe au pistou, and to watch an expert going through the motions of sole meuniere. A fillet of which I cut myself, a very impressive feat I don´t think I´ll repeat much, since my market is brimming with stalwart guys who are only to happy to do that, but still, very useful to know how in case I´m ever confronted with a whole flat fish.
Today, chicken, and how to sharpen. Fun.

3 comentarios:

Lego y Pulgón dijo...

¡Ay, si yo tuviera un curso de esos más cerca! Con mi obsesión enfermiza por los cuchillos (creo firmemente que en una vida anterior fui gitana lanzadora, o carnicera en el mercado de abastos de Londres en 1900, o profesora de Medicina que pagaba religiosamente a los Ladrones de Cuerpos. Algo así tuvo que ser).
¡Que lo disfrutes! Y que mis ondas envidiosas no interfieran en ese disfrute. Ups.

Thermomixer dijo...

Sounds like you really had fun. It is great to see chefs effortlessly peeling, chopping, slicing, dicing. The Japanese are incredible with their skills. To watch somebody produce a sheet of daikon less then 1mm thick by slicing and turning is inspirational.

The Alambique deom table brings back memories -

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) dijo...

I'm like you -- I think it would be fun to take a class, but I'm not sure I'll change my haphazard style of slicing and dicing!
