This is going to be one of those random posts. I´m sorry, but I must admit that I´m in a completely lazy moment of my life. Too lazy to emerge from under several rugs and out of the sofa. And never mind that I can hack into some neighbour´s wifi. Too lazy to blog.
Foodwise, I have had a moment of great emotion, in having produced my first ever decent bowl of lentejas. But until I do it a couple more times, I won´t be able to write about it. We also had a romantic candlelit dinner of pizza yesterday. J´s favourite. Spoiled by all the home-cooking, you see, he yearns for the taste of cardboard in his food every now and then, and I´m always happy to oblige.
Also, very exciting, a package arrived from Alburquerque, New Mexico yesterday. Ramona of The Frayed Knot has sent me a breautiful scarf, knitted by herself, that I haven´t taken off yet, it´s so soft and gorgeous. And several bags of chili mixes. I´ve tried one, so far, but it will be really fun to experiment.
For the rest, today for the first time I´ve seen the Semana Santa processions in Madrid. I used to scoff at them, having lived for a long time in Sevilla, where these things are taken very seriously. I must say, though, they were pretty good, considering, and much more comfortable. Less crowded, more friendly.
Soon I´ll be going south for a few days, so let´s hope something blog-worthy happens. I wish we had some sort of chocolatey Easter tradition I could look forward to, but sadly, no.
9 comentarios:
What a wonderful friend. A hand knitted scarf to keep you warm, and cozy up in. Nice to kick back a little.
If absence makes the heart grow fonder, then a little blog break should renew your energy for blogging! Til then, enjoy, relax, take a break. What is the Semana Santa?
You should have spent the day with me in Santa Fe. I went to a chocolate shop called Todos Santos and bought some beautiful Easter chocolates. Enjoy your holiday!
I also loved the "procesiones". Much better than what we thought. And I must say I was jealous of the scarf. Ramona, congratulations. It is not only beautifull and colourfull, but very soft and warm.
I'll bite the head off of a chocolate bunny for you! (That's about as chocolatey a tradition as we have over at my house!)
There is something that really captures me in the phrase "I'm in a completely lazy moment of my life."
I'm trying vegan Hot Cross Bun this morning so there won't we any chocolate in this house.
Enjoy that completely lazy moment.
I've just discovered your blog. You have an amazing artistic talent! I really enjoy your drawings.
ah, poor chica. i have some cadbury creme eggs leftover. would you like me to post you one? :)
your blog is my new fave food blog, by the way. really wonderful stuff. i was in seville a couple of years ago and i LOVED it! love the siestas, the late nights and the sangria. OH, the sangria.
I guess they don't have Peeps in Spain. You should probably consider it a good thing.
My husband's favorite food is pizza and there are times when dialing for food rather than cooking it suits me just fine.
Lots of religious festivals in Spain, aren't there? I've never even heard of Semana Santa, or any of the other ones you've written about. Your blog is educating me.
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