I don´t know if I came off sounding a little jammy in the last post. I didn´t mean that at all. I just meant to take a little dig at people who think things are useful only if they produce monetary results.
That´s the only way some are going to understand why anyone would take the time and the trouble to blog. There´s no way you can explain to them that actually, you´d do it even if it cost money ( well, you Typepad people would know). That just writing something, and trying to make it make sense is a pleasure. And tracking a drawing in a sketchbook from three years ago is going to bring a whole rush of pleasant memories, and you´ll end up just reading it from cover to cover before you remember what you wanted.
And I doubt if they´ll understand about the wonderful people. I mean, it does sound a little odd, and I can hear their brains (stunted little brains) whirring and thinking "antisocial geeks". You just can´t explain it, but there it is. Someone leaves a comment, I feel very happy. I read in the stats a digit, and I don´t see lurkers. What an ugly word. I just see readers, and am amazed that someone in Australia knows what I like for breakfast. If someone links to my blog, I feel a buzz that lasts for days.
And every now and then, you start a flurrying correspondence with someone, and end up putting a face to a name. By and by this person is not just your friend, but a friend of the family ( we´re a blogging family, as you can see here and here and here ), and you meet them for lunch, since they´re in town for Christmas, and it´s as if we´ve been having lunch forever.
Wonderful. Not that you can say this out loud, in public, so I´m telling you. Starting this is the best idea I ever had, and I want to thank you all so much, and wish us all a happy year of blogging, reading, eating and drawing.
26 comentarios:
I too wish you a happy year of blogging, reading, eating ... and especially drawing!
What a wonderful entry! You're completely right. It's a pity we don't have some pictures of the blogger lunch that we had before Christmas, in order to "document" the fact that blogs get people- even from different countries- together....
Hala, ya no escribo má en inglés es este año.
Qué bonito te ha quedado... :-) Happy blogging to all!
Desde luego, "ES" la mejor idea que has tenido...
Tus dibujos rosas son mis preferidos. El de hoy vá pá mi archivo: "Mis dibujos favoritos de Ximena Maier".
I agree 100%
Hear hear! Well said!
I've been reading your amazing blog for a little while now and I just love coming here to see what you've drawn and what you're up to. Thank you for taking the time to "do it"!
My folks asked me "What do you get from this ... blog?" I said, "Creative fulfillment." And that was that :)
You express my feelings on comments and readers and links exactly. One of the best parts of all of this is to see with all our differences, we are so alike in so many ways. I have a much greater appreciation for our uniqueness and our sameness and I really enjoy it so much.
WOW! your drawings are BEAUTIFUL! This is my first time visiting but if you keep on drawing and blogging, i definitly will be back!
I reached your blog thru a comment you left on Keri Smith's, and I love it! Your art is gorgeous! And España has a very special place in my heart because I studied in Salamanca in 1996. So your site offers great blog posts, beautiful art, and a cozy Spanish connection. Keep it up!
Lisa (in Indiana, US)
How wonderfully put! I think one of my favorite comments left by a regular visitor to my blog started off, "If a tree falls in a forest..." He just wanted to let me know that even if nobody writes a comment, there's somebody out there that appreciates what we bloggers do.
After many zero comment entries as someone just starting out, I sometimes wonder why I do this? But thankfully we manage to keep it up, for the sheer joy of knowing that I am writing to you in Spain & that you have had a window into my world...
Oh & even at $12 a month (I'm typepad) it's worth it :)
alanna: thanks, it sounds like it´ll be a great year
le blog: ole que ole, sigue con el inglis!
paulova: ya vessss
carmen: gracias mi darlin. rosa es el color corporativo de lobstersquad
guru: 110%!
texan: I hear you!
Traveller one: excellent, welcome, glad to do it of course.
Stefanie: that´s so cool. creative fulfillment indeed
Tanna: it´s really quite amazing, isn´t it? I´m loving the global village thing.
Superstar: thanks for visiting, and yes, come back, I draw non-stop
Lisa: welcome to a little corner of Spain. I got married in Salamanca, so it has a special place in my heart too.
Xps: qué menos
Ms. Proust: I love that about the tree in the forest, and couldn´t agree more about the windows. It´s pretty mindblowing.
The friends I have made through my blog have become irreplaceable treasures in my life that I dont think I could now live without.
Here's to all the old friends, the new friends and all the friends I don't yet know!
Happy 2007!
I have been a lurker~ now a friend! I love your artwork, that is truely a talent.
"someone in Australia knows what I like for breakfast" - wait, I think that might have been ME. Toast and honey - delicious! I still haven't tried sprinkling black sesame seeds on top yet, though. I like your drawings very much. They remind me of Quentin Blake, and he makes me smile.
(I hope you don't mind that I said that :)
Me encanta el dibujo de hoy y me ha hecho mucha ilusión el here. (el comentario suprimido es mío)
Happy year of blogging! it's always a big pleasure reading you!
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said but probably couldn't have expressed it as well if I tried! Happy Blogging :-)
Hi Ximena, I have tried to send you an email(it keeps getting sent back)to notify you that I won your wonderful prize/raffle. I am so excited, I too am a lurking reader who admires your talent. The name I used is Star and my email is mchawi@adelphia.net
And I'm the winner of the watercolor! I sent you an email already but I thought this needed to be announced in the comments section. Many thanks, and happy blogging in 2007!
And I'm happy you like to do this blogging thing, because you have a big fan base who would be disappointed if you stopped. Thank you for sharing your wonderful life and talent with us! :)
Well put!
I often have a hard time trying to explain to someone who doesn't blog or read blogs why I would opt to do this.
The people you meet through a blog are the best part of blogging! I love writing for readers all around the world. I love the emails I get with family recipes, lists of what people have in their pantries, questions about cooking and cookbooks, and inquiries from folks who want to become professional food writers. Best of all, I love the occasional online dialogue between my readers. Blogging is a wonderful way to expand my universe. It's not about money.
Open Sesame!
I had to make a link from my blog- so I could find you again & again.
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