It´s my birthday. I don´t mind getting older at all, far from it, and everyone has been perfectly sweet and celebratory and I have received presents.
I´m just pretty hopping mad because I can´t eat cake. I´m ill. How much does that suck? After all tuesday sipping a vile drink made of glucose and salts, I graduated to white rice and apple compote yesterday. Today, as a great concession, I´m told I may have a boiled egg.
Well, my plans for today involved eggs, certainly, numbering six, in the batter of a cake, and another six to be turned into wattle-seed custard.
Also, my father was to have given me one bottle from his precious stash of 1948 Marqués de Riscal Rioja. The best harvest of the century, he says, smugly (he was born that year). We´d been discussing for weeks what to pair the wine with, and now look at us, both ill, both sipping chicken broth.
And you know the worst? If I think of the custard I feel something between indifference and nausea. Is this how thin people feel? Intriguing thought.
So anyway, I´m holding off all celebrations til the weekend, or next week, even.
But what the hell, I think I´ll be wild and crazy and steam some courgettes for dinner, one doesn´t turn 31 every day, after all.
20 comentarios:
Felicidades, anyway!
You'll take your revenge for this, I'm sure!
So take care of yourself for today and celebrate your party properly another day.
Awwwwww! Feel better soon birthday girl!
sounds like a terrible stomach flu or something. whenever I get sick like that I make this warm comforting rice broth with a little ginger, a touch of garlic, chicken broth and soy sauce. I just drink the water/broth cos I can't even swallow the mushy rice but oh what wonders it does!
Hope this asian remedy helps you feel a little better.
I don't blame you at all for being hopping mad. Being that sick on your birthday sucks. (I can think of no other way to phrase it.)
Happy Birthday and get well soon so you can properly celebrate your birthday!
Happy Birthday! Feel better!
It will be like having two birthdays....but not getting older. Happy birthday!
Two years ago, I burned my tongue so horridly badly on a sip of hot coffee in the morning that I had to postpone all birthday eating plans.
I feel your pain...
Play it up, maybe with some sympathy points your replacement birthday will be even more fantastic.
I'm sorry you're sick, and I hope you feel better. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! And feel better soon!
Feliz Aniversário Ximena!!! Get well soon!
Hey, Happy Birthday you!!! Sorry you're not well yet, especially given the stature of the celebration wine, have a sip for me. Hope you enjoy the custard when you get around to it.
Sigh is right.
How about everybody can just jolly well give you a present today and then next week when you can really celebrate, especially your Daddy!! Two bottles!!!
Happy Birthday.
Happy birthday! Bummer that you are sick ;-( When you are better, it will be such a feast!!!
happy birthday and get well soon!
happy birthday! i'm sure that when you do eat that slice of belated birthday cake, it will be tasty beyond belief! enjoy!
Shake that virus, baby! Happy 31!!!
Thank you all so much, I feel so much better already, and will be toasting you all very soon with that 1948. Cheers.
Happy 31st birthday! I hope you feel better soon so that you can properly celebrate it :D
Get well soon, and remember you can celebrate your unbirthday everyday!
So I'm fashionably late to the party but I want to wish you a belated happy birthday nonetheless! I hope your malaise is a long-lost memory by now and you've drunk yourself silly on that 1948 Rioja - wow!
p.s. "Is this how thin people feel?" I often wonder the same thing myself... ;)
wow, an ocean away, I was feeling your pain!!
I spent 60 hours mostly sleeping and when i was awake, i could only eat campbell's chicken soup and saltines and drink ginger ale.
I finally graduated onto a turkey sandwich sometime on Friday
I'm so sorry you were ill, but happy birthday, and i hope that Rioja tasted doubly good!
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