
A most unsual gin

Friday is the night for well-deserved relaxation and cheerfully tinkling glasses with ice and hard liquor, wouldn´t you say? We had two guests for dinner, and since they are as worshipful of a good gin and tonic as myself, I decided to honour the occasion with a bottle of the gin du jour.

This Hendrick´s is the bottle you see everywhere lately. The first time I had it, somebody had brought it to a dinner, and we had it like always, with lemon, and said, this is some seriously good gin.

The second time I was in Embassy, and they brought it with all the flourish that only old-fashioned places full of G&T-drinking grandmothers can achieve. It came in a baloon glass, with plenty of ice and a slice of cucumber. Anywhere else I´d have complained, "oh, puh-lease, this is a cocktail, not a salad". But at Embassy you have to be careful, because you never know where a close and dissaproving relative may be lurking. So I sipped, and my eyes opened wide, and I thought, you´re kidding me.

Honestly. How is it possible that a slice of cucumber can transform a whole glass? And that it doesn´t taste cucumbery so much as fresh and aromatic and cool? If I had a poetic bent I´d start going on about meadows and fresh grass and dewy mornings, but thankfully I´m not.

The best thing about is the marketing device. They write on the label "it is not for everyone", and so of course inmediately everyone, that is, every fool with a bit of disposable income, rushes to the shops. It costs 10€ more than a normal good gin, but that´s fine, because not only is it so good, but the bottle is gorgeous, and justifies the price, all by itself.

The dinner was also pretty good. Chicken curry, spicy creamed spinach, rice with toasted almonds, raita, and the remains of some banana bread I´d made on Thursday. We drank G&Ts all through the dinner, which is an unlikely pairing, but really rather good, in a British Empire kind of way. Loved it.

A god beginning for a week-end.

8 comentarios:

xps dijo...

good indeeed.

LE BLOG dijo...

Allá que voy. Mañana la compro. Los pepinos ya los tengo.

Anónimo dijo...

It seems cucumber has magic powers!

El podenco dijo...

Eso explica que os fueráis tan temprano ayer, jejeje... No, en serio, muchas gracias por tomaros la molestia de venir. The brownie was delicious!

El podenco dijo...

Excuse el acento mal puesto...

Meredith dijo...

This is the only gin I will drink in a Martini. Yummy!

Anónimo dijo...

Gin and cucumbers were made for each other. In fact, I have maintained that in the summer, some gin and tonics (with limes) and a plate of cucumber sandwiches can stand in nicely for heartier meals.
But then, gin and tonics are good with lots of different food, IMHO. I'm not entirely sure, though, if I can tell the fancy stuff from the ordinary, myself.

Lego y Pulgón dijo...

Ayer vi un capítulo de Gilmore Girls en el que las chicas van al gimnasio (sí, al gimnasio, increíble en ellas, que comen y comen y no engordan nunca), pero lo único que hacen es beber agua fría con rodajitas de pepino. Y pensé: "¿Estoy sufriendo alucinaciones? ¿Todo líquido bebible lleva ahora pepino?"
I'll send you my shrink's bill.
