Why do I even notice Thanksgiving? Well, there´s a certain buzz in American food blogs, naturally. And also, Hespen&Suarez, the deli down the road, is having a special takeout on Thursday, turkey in a box. Also, I did a little illustration for Belly du jour.
Apart from that, I only know Thanksgiving from movies, and from the Norman Rockwell painting. In the movies, everyone wrangles, fights, says mean things as they pass the cranberry sauce, and slags off the Normal Rockwell painting.
So I´d think that the thing we in Europe have to give thanks for is not having Thanksgiving. Except that of course I don´t beleive movies are strictly true. If I did, I´d also have to think that half the population of the US are cops, and that only New York and California are inhabited, except for a few people with chainsaws in the Midwest.
Food blogs, as ever, have quite saved the day and banished lingering doubts. American food bloggers are limbering up for some very scrumptious feasts, by and large everyone sounds excited and happy to stuff a turkey, and I´m jealous.
I really love this recipe of Julie´s for artichoke soup. I´d love to make Molly´s cranberry chutney, except we have no fresh cranberries here. You can find dried, though, so I´ll try these cookies of Louisa´s. And I´m quite curious to see what people will come up with in the way of leftovers.
So over there, have a great holiday. Over here, there´s a rock/reggae concert in benefit of GuinéBus, a charity that mantains a fleet of school buses in Guinea Bisau. That´s at Art Deco, c/ María de Molina 50, jueves 23, 21:00 h, 25€.
See ya.
13 comentarios:
There may be some truth, in some families, about the disgruntled nature of Thanksgiving. However, for the vast majority of us, Americans, Thanksgiving is about food and family. A full 10% of our population will be on the move just today, the Wednesday before the holiday, as we go commune with others over a table full of food.
As a nation, it’s likely our most significant holiday. While Christmas is commercially more significant, it still belongs to just 3/4 of the people of the country. Thanksgivings origins are born out of history. There are stories of the first Thanksgivings being with Pilgrims and Native Americans, but it also stems from times our earliest days as a country and our darkest times. Both after our founding as a country and in our darkest hours after the Civil War, American presidents looked to Thanksgiving as a time to appreciate what they believed was God’s generosity even in bleak moments.
So as a nation of diverse people, it’s a holiday that tries to transcend our differences. While its vastly associated with food, football (American style, and its always the Dallas Cowboys and Detroit Lions who host games on that day) and a chance for family friction, it is also something where we try to remember how blessed we are. So, I wish you Happy Thanksgiving even if its not your tradition. And eat up!
Qué arte tienes, Lobstersquad. Ya te han descubierto en el mundo de la ilustración, pero a ver cuándo se le ocurre a alguien encargarte que escribas algo... ;-) Happy Thanksgiving to everybody!
It's strange, Thanksgiving is one holiday I miss more and more the longer I'm away. And you're right to not trust the Hollywood version of Thanksgiving too much - I mean, of course there's the potential for conflict whenever lots of family get together, but in actual fact most people are too deep in their food comas to get worked up about much of anything... ;)
Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday. I completely agree with Husband's comment -- its a uniquely American tradition that really does celebrate both family and food. Even when I was living abroad, we made sure that we were able to track down a turkey!
I loved husband comment too, I love the pride of being american, and also your illustration, lobstercita.
What a wonderful write up! Thanksgiving is really about family, friends and food. Hollywood is not the place to get reality of anything.
And food comas are the usual.
I totally agree with Husband's comment I think that Thanksgiving is more than as Hollywood shows us...
I think it's amazing to have a day where all the family is united having a great dinner where they can do some catching-up and be thankfull for everything...
To everyone, have a magnificent Thanksgiving day and God bless America!
I am the one who is sleeping, on the right. Did you perhaps model my family for this illustration? It is excellent.
My English cousin is having her first Thanksgiving with us here this year, and has been cooking pies with me last night and this morning. She has observed on television the Macy's parade and some football, bemused.
Pies having packed up for transport to my brother's house, we have found some time to be lazy. I have been thinking about maybe tomorrow making some of Julie's artichoke soup, which caught my eye too.
The planet is a funny place... that, right now, America is about to start suffering a collective food hangover - and it might be snowing in some parts - and yet here in Australia, yet another blue, cloudless sky stretches above us, the temperature is rising, and the morning radio talk shows are full of concern and callers talking about the drought and water shortages.
Hello. I enjoyed your comments on thanksgiving. Just wanted to share with you a source for fresh cranberries in Madrid. I just bought a bag there yesterday. Mercado de la Cebada, puesto 151, in the back on the right side -- lower level. Ask for the guy with the moustache. No joke. 3.80 euros. Happy holidays.
this was my first year celebrating thanksgiving without my family, and i hate to admit it, but it was WONDERFUL.
I didn't have to scramble to get out of work early or get up at the crack of dawn on thursday to catch a train to my mom's house.
instead i slept til noon, watched a dog show, scribbled a menu on a post-it note and then my boyfriend and i tromped off to the store to get our food.
we came home, listened to classical music, lunched on frozen chinese dumplings and cooked when we felt like it.
no turkey, just stuffing, potatoes and clams and cod, probably what the pilgrims ate anyways...
yes, i missed my family, but, i enjoyed the relaxation more!
and just so no one thinks i'm a heartless monster, i'll be spedning PLENTY of time at home for Christmas :-)
Husband: thanks, now I know everything!
Paulova: ole ole y muchas gracias.
Melissa: I hope the food coma´s over by now.
Christianne: It sounds amazing, I´m jealous, I really am.
Xps y Guitars: pues ale.
Tanna: I like that.
Lindy: I thought it was MY family, but if you say it´s yours, I like that too.
Stephanie: we´re getting ready to go looking for Christmas lights in the rain. Not bad.
Anonymous: thanks, now I´ll fell like a spy, which is fun.
Ann: ok, you win, if I had your kind of access to chinese dumplings I´d never ever move!
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