
Dear readers, please help

As you may know by now, Terrier Digital is about to launch an app with lobstersquad recipes. It's almost done, but we still haven't decided on an icon. These three have made the final cut. If you could leave me a comment saying which you prefer, I'd be very grateful.

28 comentarios:

elle dijo...

The Lobster!

Anónimo dijo...

Oooh definitely the lobster! As much as the others are nice and bright, I think the lobster is clearest. Humble opinion, obviously!

If only I did not have a dinosaur phone, would love to download app :)

Happy Monday! x

Sangeetha dijo...

The lobster! The lobster!

Unknown dijo...

#1 is best but make the lobster bigger. Have it own that space and not be timid.

Eva dijo...

Ximena, sooo difficult to choose one over the other! I really like the 3 of them, and if you had shown us more, I'd probably like those as well, so thank God you cut down to only 3 choices. If I must choose one I'd go for #1, first because it's the lobster which is more easily associated with your blog, 2)because it is sooo cute! As number two I may just go for precisely #2..perhaps just because I love tortilla de patatas and the red really makes it stand out as very spanish. But yes, the lobster, first choice! Hope it helps!

Dan dijo...

I like # 1 - you should have the lobster!

Elizabeth dijo...

#1. They're all great, but I like the lobster the best!

Anónimo dijo...

I prefer 3. Just better to visualise. The lobster is to obvious for me. 2 is nice too but less sharp and attractive.

Cheesy Pennies dijo...

One more vote for the lobster!

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) dijo...

The lobster. Promote your brand!

Pigs and Bishops dijo...

The lobster! The design of 3 is gorgeous, though.

Bibliophiliac dijo...

Lobster! :)

Kai dijo...

The lobster, please! I love the lobster!

Anónimo dijo...

The lobster!

Anónimo dijo...

The lobster!

Glitterati dijo...

My first instinct was the lobster, but that's because I'm familiar with your blog. Will most subscribers to the app be familiar with your blog? If so, I'd say go with #1 because it immediately makes me think "Lobstersquad!".

But, if you're expecting/hoping to get app buyers who don't already know your blog, I'd go with #3, because to me, it best represents the types of food you highlight on here: easy, social, flavourful, with a spanish/mediterranean flair. (vs. #1, because if I didn't know your blog at all, I might assume it would be seafood-heavy recipes, or super fancy dishes based on the icon alone.)

Also, do most phones have dark backgrounds now? (I'm actually not sure -- I know you can make your wallpaper whatever you like, but I think the default colours tend to be darker.) If so, it might be worth setting the icons against a dark backdrop to see if that changes anything for you. :)

la ninja dijo...

I reckon that lobster is winning. claws down.
yo también voto langosta.

lobstersquad dijo...

thank you all! I much prefer the lobster myself.

Esther dijo...

la langosta tomándose la aceituna y dándole a la bebida ;)

Kaczka dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

My vote goes to the lobster too :)

Pille dijo...

The lobster!!!

Ann dijo...

The lobster! I like the suggestion of having her "own the space" but that's mainly because I love that phrase!

Louise Mackenzie dijo...

Has to be the lobster but I agree with the other commentor, make the lobster own the space

Raquel dijo...

Yo aquí no he votado. Viva la LOBSTER. Ya :)

Shari dijo...

I also favour the lobster.

colorsofscotland dijo...

The Lobster!!!!!

lapiubelladitutte dijo...

I 'do go for the first one!!!
