
Back from Estonia

What does a person do on returning from the perfect holiday? If you can´t look out at the garden that ends in the sea, or watch the birds as you eat your just-picked wild raspberries?
The best trick is to go straight to normal life, and do things you couldn´t do during the perfect holiday.
With that healthy idea in mind, I´ve gone straight to the market and bought peaches, little sweet green plums, and half a melon. Doesn´t quite make up for paradise lost, but does make one happy about being so far south.
And I was very good, and didn´t burst into tears when I say the little punnet of overpriced, tasteless raspberries.
Still and all, glad to be back. This is just to promise watercolour sketches of Estonia, and details about berries, mushrooms, moose, and more.

15 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Wellcome back Ximena. I enjoyed your drawing last saturday on Yo Dona.

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) dijo...

We've been keeping up with your holiday a bit through Pille's blog. Sounds like you had a wonderful time together!

xps dijo...

Que bien!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kickpleat dijo...

welcome back! i can't wait to hear all about your estonian travels! soon i'll be in the baltic and i can't wait to go :)

Preston dijo...

I really enjoy reading your blog. Welcome back!

lobstersquad dijo...

nopisto:thanks, my mother in law commented on that yo dona drawing too!
lydia: yes, the cross-blogging was fun, and Pille is the best.
xps: si que sí
kickpleat: that´s so great, I hope you´ll love it as much as I.
preston: thanks, it´s good to be back.

lobstersquad dijo...

nopisto:thanks, my mother in law commented on that yo dona drawing too!
lydia: yes, the cross-blogging was fun, and Pille is the best.
xps: si que sí
kickpleat: that´s so great, I hope you´ll love it as much as I.
preston: thanks, it´s good to be back.

Tea dijo...

It's hard not to cry over those sad berries when you've had the real thing close at hand (I wrote about fresh raspberries today as well--sigh). Welcome back anyway--I'm looking forward to your stories and images!

Audrey dijo...

Welcome back :)

Raquel dijo...

Welcome back!!!!
A ver si viendo tus dibujos se me pasa un poco el disgusto de mis "vacaciones". Ejem.

Shayne dijo...

I can only imagine paradise being like this. I am so happy that you had such a wonderful time with Pille and in Estonia.


Anónimo dijo...

I love your blog with the paintings. Very creative.

Anónimo dijo...

Welcome back :) Your gorgeous little watercolor is wonderful promise of stories to come. Can't wait to here them and see the pictures you've made that go with them!

MyKitchenInHalfCups dijo...

So glad you didn't burst into tears. Home coming is such a jolt after a beauty of a trip.

Heather dijo...

So glad you had a wonderful time, but gladder to have you back. Can't wait to hear all about your holiday.
