Clients. Can´t live with them, can´t live without ´em. I sometimes feel that. But every now and then some clients pop up who tell me "do what you like". Or "have fun with it". Nice clients, yes, very, you´re few and far between, andt I love you.
Doing a jamesbondesque composition, working title "attack on meringue mountain" is one of those tings I assumed I´d only ever do for my very own self, so it´s a double joy to do it for someone else. There are more people in the world who are amused by turning kitchen appliances into helicopters! Great.
My thanks to Veronica, who patiently acted as go-between, and to all the others. Here´s a link to her blog, and there you can see links to all the other Daring Bakers , and check out all the stuff they´re doing. I now really really want to make red velvet cake, which is odd, since I am the most timid of bakers.
Also, I´ve updated the blogroll, finally, and though I´ve probably forgotten something important and will have to tinker with it again soon, which I hate, here are the newcomers:Homesick Texan, Smitten Kitchen, Food on the food, Habeas Brulee The perfect pantry, The frayed knot,
Veronica´s test kitchen, and Culinate, which isn´t a blog, so it goes last in the list .
14 comentarios:
I'm loving it.
It's such fun to see your artwork popping up here and there in the food blog world. I love the attack on meringue mountain, as well as the blog banners you've designed for Veronica's Test Kitchen and others.
Well, Ximena, let me just say that you so easily picked up what we wanted to put on the logo.And not only that your own ideas are spectacular , we could not have thought of anything better. I'm glad you had fun with this as much as we did!
I wanna be there! Jumping and fighting and climbing up that sweet and fresh mountain. And finally...eating it!!!
What a great imagination you have!
It's a fabulous design, Ximena! I just saw this on one of the Daring Bakers' sites and have been enjoying your illustrations.
Your imagination is a beautiful place! Thank you for the design!
So witty! I've thought that all the blog banners you've done have been wonderful but this one just might be my favorite.
I'm sure the Daring Bakers will be further inspired by your banner. Whisk on, Daring Bakers.
I love the logo you did for us! And as soon as I can figure out how to get it on the side of my blog, above the Daring Baker's links, I intend to proudly display it for everyone to see what an awsome job you did for us!
Love the airborne mixer! How clever. And thanks for adding me to your blogroll!
You are amazing. You "whisked" us up the perfect daring banner.
Thank you so much.
love your work! just found you but i'll be back! wonderful blog...and isn't it great when clients give us a bit of carte blanche???
YOu're artwork is perfect. It truly captures the sometimes daring task of baking! Thanks for sharing it! You shold have aprons made to sell - so cute
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! We so love our logo and tag buttons. When we were discussing what we wanted in so graphic artist technical terms like "whip thingy" and "whirly appliance doo-dad" we had no idea that our logo would be so lovely. You are so talented!
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