
Off to Cuba

There´s an exhibition of drawings from the book "A taste of Cuba" at the Biblioteca Nacional in Havana. If you care to browse a bit of the book, here´s a link. I´ll be back in a week, and report faithfully.

6 comentarios:

Pille dijo...


À Chacun Ses Goûts dijo...

Wow! Cuba would be great and interesting. Can't wait to hear all about it. P.S. Your blog is v cool.

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) dijo...

I went to Cuba about 13 years ago and have wanted to go back ever since. Please enjoy! It is a special place.

núria alemany dijo...

Existe la versión en castellano?

Thermomixer dijo...

Interesting -is that Gabriela's sister? How do you compare 4 years on - after motherhood?

Good illustrations - well done

lobstersquad dijo...

Pille: very!
A c s gout: it was amazing, I´ll post about it soon.
Lydia: it´s an amazing place, and yes, of course I´ve loved it!
Nuria: han hecho una ahí pero no se vende...
Thermomixer: yes, she is her sister. I´ve found everything looks just as it did last time I was there. Very curious place.
