
Spanish mangoes

They´re in season! Whole boxes of them, fresh from Almuñécar, cheap and beautiful. I gloat.

7 comentarios:

Raquel dijo...

Si vivieras aquí ibas a "glotear" todo el año. Cuando no son mangos, son mangas. ¡¡¡¡Riiiiicooooossss!!!!

Thy Thy dijo...

i would love to try, because we only can have brazillian mangoes here (in Italy), and honestly, it is like potato to me! :( (I am a Vietnamese girl!)

Pille dijo...

Oh, I'm envious!!

la ninja dijo...

boo hoo to your gloating (which is allowed when s/one gloats, right?) from the north of europe where not much grows above the ground any longer from now on...
I was actually in that area last year around this time(salobreña) and it was indeed fantastic and the avocados... big as melones.
see? now I'm dribbling.

xps dijo...

y sartenes!!!

Thermomixer dijo...

Amazing - mangoes are coming into season here - on the opposite side of the world !

The blog below refers to an article that claimed that the best way to eat a mango was in the bath with very close friends!

This post on mangoes

Hope the link works

lobstersquad dijo...

Guru: ya, ya, vale, tú da envidia que algo queda.
Cookingpractice: yuk, I know, those Brazilian things are nothing, nothing like the real thing.
Pille: well, it´s all to get back at you for all those berries
La ninja: sorry...but I can´t help it
Xps: de todo!
Thermomixer: that´s odd. I hope it´s not some weird engineering on our part, but it´s a very short season after all
