In the two years since I discovered the gizmo, I´ve become a recognized rice cooker bore. I love my rice cooker so much, you see, I just can´t shut up about it. And since it´s so cheap, I´ve embarked on a near-reaching campaign to spread the gospel, and have given away several to deserving friends and relatives.
Not everyone is with me on this, and on receiving a largish box, they say, oh, but it´s so big, and where will I put it? It only makes rice...
Now, this is plain silly. I´ve never heard anyone complain that their favourite brain surgeon can´t play the violin or score winning goals. And I´ve met plenty of coffe makers that take up lots of counter space and only make indifferent coffee.
But anyway, that don´t matter, because when I read this piece in Gourmet, I found out something I´d long suspected but never tried: you can make quinoa in a rice cooker. Isn´t that great? Those little seeds can be a right bore to get just right, just like rice. And as the mother of an enterprising toddler who is apt to climb tables to get to the (thank God) butter knife, I appreciate hands off cooking.
So anyway, quinoa, andean gold, the perfect side dish, and so distressingly healthful, too, is there for you at the push of a button. Now go and get a rice cooker, will you?
11 comentarios:
You can cook quinoa too?! I think you might have just persuaded me!
my daughter cooks rice, quinoa, and barley together in her rice cooker.
Tempting, but I simply haven't got the counter space, dear Ximena.
PS I thought you can make quinoa AND rice in your super Thermomix, no?
wow - i used to have one - where did it go? i think i'll get another! my asian friend used to cook jasmine rice in hers and swears it's the best rice out there...i'd like to try quinoa!
I don't want you to supply a brand name if you don't want to . . . but did you get the "pricey" one mentioned in Gourmet, or something else? Because I too read that Gourmet thing, and I've been wanting to buy a rice cooker for along time and . . . well, how do you choose?
Nora: I´m the apostle!
Sarah´s mom: will have to try that, I love barley
Pille: Pille, you can cook rice in the Th, but you´d probably have to feed it to the dog...
Julie: I had a 40 euro chinese model that began to have scratches in the non-stick coating, so I´ve changed to a 35 euro one, made here in Spain, and it works just great. No music and no fuzzy logic, just plain old cheap efficiency. I hope that helps.
This is something I use at least every other day. Nice to see I am not the only one addicted.
I just made quinoa in my rice cooker and am happily eating it right now! Thank you so much for the tip and the link!
Over here you'd be hard pressed to find a household without a rice cooker...it's probably the most used appliance here (since people make and eat rice everyday)! :)
Bill: it´s the greatest, I just can´t understand why everyone doesn´t agree.
Jo: when I meet sceptics I always tell them "if everyone in Asia has one, there must be a good reason". I tried your breakfast quinoa with some leftover and it´s great too, thanks!
Can I ask what type of rice cooker you have? When I made quinoa on the stove, I had no problems but when I used my rice cooker, it never turned off and overdid it (mine is digital). I would love to know the kind of rice cooker you use, so I can try it! Thanks!! :)
Hi. I have a cheap model, just an on off button and a cook and warm light. I think it's Kenwood, but before zi used one made in sPain that was just as basic. I mostly use a pressure cooker to make my quinoa now, it's lightning quick.
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