
New site launch

People often ask me, oh, this blog of yours, yes, very nice, but what´s the use?

Well, I say, I write down things, and that means my friends and family don´t have to listen to me boring on and on about them. That´s pretty useful.

I also say I happen to find it fun, which is met with the kind of indulgent look you´d give to a puppy chewing a slipper.

And, it´s actually being a source of really fun work. Real live work, from clients who pay. These people tend to shut up at this bit.

First there was  Belly du Jour . Then there was  At my table . I have three other projects on the hob that sprang from people who saw this, and one of them is an actual whole cookbook, to be illustrated by yours truly and written by two of my personal food heroes. Too exciting.

And now there´s  Culinate . I´ve been involved in that from its beginning, even if only in my tangential, decorative, far away way. But still, proud.
It´s a great site, dedicated not just to cooking, but to all sorts of food related topics. As they say themselves, some´s humorous, some´s serious, but it´s all thought-provoking. And if you click on the  Sift section, you´ll see my drawings, which makes the whole experience estratospherically amazing, frankly.

Have a look, go on, do.

13 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Pretty! You are so talented....

And congratulations on the cookbook!

Anónimo dijo...

And that is the joy and reward for doing what you enjoy doing! Wonderful, congratulations on all fronts!

Anónimo dijo...

¡TOMA YA! Congratulations!!!

Anónimo dijo...

very, very nice!

neil dijo...

A cookbook!!! Hey, that's so cool, looks like everyone recognises your talent. Can I get a signed copy?

Anónimo dijo...

Your drawings are worth are worth more than 99.999 percent of other people's words.

Anónimo dijo...

Why? Why? Why because you are an amazingly talented person and now gazillions know it.
I am a loyal reader in Italy.
My daughter is a loyal reader in the USA.
Cross-generational and transatlantic... why ever not go for that?

Anónimo dijo...

Enhorabuena. Ya sabes lo "fans" tuya que soy...

xps dijo...

Enhorabuena darling. I am very very proud y especialmenta contenta del cookbook. But I love the paintings for other blogs very much too.

Anónimo dijo...

Hey there, this is my first time here...wow, did you create all the illustrations you have on your posts? They are so nice!

El podenco dijo...

La gente, que es mu pesá... ;-)

Anónimo dijo...

Obviously some people just don't understand. There are bloggers and there are non-bloggers.

I love your blog.

Anónimo dijo...

Hi Ximena, I totally understand what you mean. I have had people ask me why do I need to blog...what do I get from it. And then when I tell them that its a way for me to express my culinary musings they give me that indulging look you described. but I continue doing it because it gives me a kind of satisfaction that makes me happy ! You need to report back on that cookbook you are illustrating 'coz I love your work!
