
Madrid 36 hours

The NYT did a piece on my city, beginning with "Poor Madrid, stuck in the middle of Spain". Dammit.
Calls us a provincial sister of Barcelona? Argh! Not that I have a chip on my shoulder about Barcelona, oh no. Except that I somehow can´t seem to move my neck.

Now I´ve stopped foaming at the mouth, I´ll say that the rest of the article is pretty good, manages to mention Hemingway only twice, and does highlight some out of the way favourites like the Descalzas Reales or Fundación Caja Madrid. So here´s a link, if anyone´s interested.

7 comentarios:

xps dijo...

Pero qué gente tan enterada!

Anónimo dijo...

I spent a few years of my childhood in Madrid (early 70's) and have a certain fondness for it. It was a nice capture of a city I love... that is after I got the bile out of my mouth from its unfair comparison to Barcelona... one would think a reporter would know that they are two very different cities that do not deserve that kind of caparison.
Thanks for sharing the link.

Anónimo dijo...

Someone must tell this Sarah Wildman that 4'30 pm is not the best hour to "grab a caña"....

Anónimo dijo...

Nor Casa Lucas is the place to taste tortilla.

Anónimo dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

what about the girls dressed in 40´s costume?


Lisa dijo...

I LOVE the illustration for this blog. And, for the record, I also Love Madrid.
