I laughed so much over breakfast this mornign with an article by Zoe Williams. Usually she writes about stuff I know nothing about, mostly to do with British Tv and such stuff, but today her dilemma is what to do with the stuff that turns up in her organic box.
Read it . It´s very funny, and has good recipes, too.
I have nothing so sophisticated happen to me, but I do end up buying more vegetables than I should, because I just can´t help myself. But hey, if it was shoes, I would be broke, so it´s not too bad.
I shop erratically. Maybe I go to the market for some ginger I need for a particular recipe I just read about. Then I see some broccoli, and think, oh, that´s always useful. And then I pass by the fishmonger´s, say, and see some fresh cod roe, and buy it, and cook it for dinner, and forget about the broccoli and the ginger.
Next day, I walk into the market on the way home from the video store, and I´m thinking about apples, but then remember we were out of onions, or nearly, and since by now I´m carrying a big bag, what the hell, I buy leeks and a bunch of spinach too, and a quarter of wild mushrooms, why not?
And then José comes home and says, oh, I just happened to stop by the pizza place, and guess what, somehow I ordered this really sweet smelling thin crust marvel, topped with pepperoni and peppers, just how you like it. Funny, that.
And next day we have a dinner, and after that we go away for the weekend. And on Sunday I come back too tired to care, and just eat crackers and a bowl of yogurt.
Which means that Monday finds me looking at the fridge and shaking my head at my silly ways.
Opperation Clean Slate begins, and it can go the way of vegetable risotto, of pisto, of curry, but mostly it ends up as soup.
Today, I have a piece of celery, two leeks and a carrot. I also have soome rather good looking tinned tomatoes I bought in La Rioja a couple of weeks ago, so tomato soup it is.
And tomorrow I can go to the market with a tranquil conscience, which is even better than the soup itself.
I will post the recipe soon, for the benefit of all my Spanish friends who screech " HOT gazpacho, ew, gross!", and then scrape the bowl and ask for seconds.