Yesterday I was alone for lunch. Usually I go over to my mother´s, very much in the Spanish way. Can´t stay away from la Mamma, y´know.
But anyway, I was very busy,having to meet millions of deadlines, and I couldn´t even find the time to go to the market and buy a slice of tuna.
So I decided to have scrambled eggs. Nothing exciting there. But I added, on an impulse, some home-made onion jam from an almost finished jar, and a pinch of cumin.
I´d only ever used the jam on sandwices and goat´s cheese tarts. Or with chicken liver paté.I assumed it was too sweet to be put alongside normal food.
But these eggs were oh-amazing. Sweet and delicate and for once I managed to keep them runny. I also had some roast tomatoes, and nuked a couple of wheat tortillas. It was a sissified version of huevos rancheros, and made me ever so happy.
Masses of self-pats on the back for this one. Only drawback is I´m out of onion jam, and that will not do. I´ll be making another batch inmediately.
4 comentarios:
Mmmm--that does sound inspired! But I wish you would post your recipe for the onion jam. I have a jar of Meyer lemon and caramelized onion jam I bought at great expense. I thought I would never use it but it's proven to be so delicious on sandwiches and as a condiment with roast and grilled meats that it's almost gone. I'd love to replace it with some homemade onion jam.
Your new banner is wonderful! I find your illustrations so charming.
Your eggs sound delicious and I second the request for the onion jam recipe.
Last year I began putting a pinch of toasted cumin in my porridge for breakfast. Although I enjoy my oatmeal sweet the cumin proves to be an intriguing taste amongst the brown sugar and butter.
and breakfast for supper is always fun!
Homemade onion jam...mmm...sounds like a recipe would be a good thing to have.
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