First off, a big thank you to every one of your very sweet messages. I´ve loved them all, and would have loved to answer each and every one, except that typing with one hand free and a baby in the other isn´t my forte, yet (I´m getting better).
This morning I managed a pretty impressive one-armed feat, and prepared toast with tomatoes and olive oil and salt. Slicing tomatoes, now, that´s not easy, beleive you me.
The baby ensded up covered in crumbs, which made me feel I´m not cut out to be anyone´s self-sacrificing mother. But hey, if I don´t have a good breakfast, I can´t keep up my status as a dairy queen, right?
16 comentarios:
Somehow I missed your last post about the new addition - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
And I would think a baby covered in toast crumbs would probably be preferable to one coated in tomatoes and olive oil.
I had this sort of sling thing that I used to put my baby in - called a snuggly, I think, that gave me two hands. And, my little guy loved being in his car seat even in the house so I used to cart him around in that half the day. It was essential that I have two hands going since I was writing recipe based food stories all through my mat leave. Check out the snuggly. It was really helpful!
So glad to hear that you and the little one are doing well! xo
Glad to see that you're posting again! Enjoy your baby cause they grow up fast. Mine is now 28. She had the cutest little toes and now they are in pumps...
I'm so glad to see you being mobile with "our" baby. Congratulations, again, mommy!
Oh, and a few crumbs never hurt anyone.
good for you with all the one-armed tomato-slicing. goodness, i can remember the many crumbs -- fine and not so fine -- that were showered on my little guy's head lo these 10 years ago when he was clutched tight or hanging out in the baby bjorn. i considered it just one of many ways to introduce him to the joy of food.
Enjoy them while you can do these acrobatics. They get big so fast. See the pictures of our babies on my blog. We just had our 50th Anniversary.
Have a look here for a wrap sling that my daughter used: http://www.theslingstation.com/moby.html
It is quite freeing of the hands. She used this even more than the pram for the first months, and could go places that it was hard to take a pram eg the tube. For cooking it is a boon, as long as you stay away from anything hot that might spill on the baby.
There are a number of brands. Search for "baby sling wrap" and look for the ones from stretch material.
I used a maya sling for Luka. He is 3 now and I still have the sling even though I don;t use it any more. I am looking for just the right person to give it too.
I have this feeling that you may be that person. if you want it email me sk_griffin(at)hotmail(dot)com
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i love lobster and you made mr hungry.
i am crippled with Parkinson's Disease and i have herd that fish is good for the joints.
Cindy: thanks! I think we escaped the worst of the oil spill, but maybe a little tomato fell on her knee...
Dana: I´ll look it up, thanks.
Lydia: she´s doing great so far, tomato and all.
Preston: will do. Can´t think farther ahead than a couple of weeks, though
Nik: too right, crumbs are a sign of the good life, sometimes
Reva: love that about the joy of food, completely after my own hear
Xps: hola!
Si´s: I bet she´ll be hard to manage soon, she kicks pretty hard already
Vegeyum: thanks I´ll look that up inmediately
Shayne: yesss!!! thanks so much
Dr. Doc: sorry to hear that. I hope the lobster helps
cuantas veces he cocinado yo con mi hijo en el kanguro... tremendo lo que una puede a llegar a hacer con dos manos!
How exciting! Kiss off the crumbs! Aw! I think you are doing brilliantly :) I've seen moms here using that sling thing to carry their babes and it looks both comfy and cool :)
Another vote for slings, and in a little while a back carrier. Babes love being close and it's good for moms too!
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