
Too hot to cook

Is anyone, anywhere, going into the kitchen for anything more than sprinkling lemon juice over chunks of watermelon? If so, you have my deepest envy.

13 comentarios:

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) dijo...

I'm trying to use my slow cooker more, or the outdoor grill -- anything to avoid heating up the kitchen.

Pille dijo...

I'm off to make some chanterelle gulyash in the kitchen - but that's summery enough :)
Hang on there!!

Veron dijo...

I must be the only crazy person in this heat as I fried chicken in 12 cups of oil last weekend :)

Vicki McLeod dijo...

Love your blog - beautiful illustrations. I live in Mallorca, http://mwcmallorca.blogspot.com/

Hope you don't mind, but I have added your blog to my list.


Vicki McLeod dijo...

Love your blog - great illustrations. I live in Mallorca. http://mwcmallorca.blogspot.com/ hope you don't mind, but i have added your blog to my list

vicki x

Warda dijo...

Didn't know you can sprinkle lemon juice over it. I can't get enough watermelon these days. It's hot, hot, hot! Stay cool, my dear Ximena!

Anónimo dijo...

Is that a common way to serve watermelon, because that sounds delicious.. I'm gonna go buy lemon juice right now, I usually just eat it by itself.

- T


MaryRuth dijo...

Sorry, I have a cool ocean breeze! =)
But when I lived in a hot place, watermelon was the food of choice.
I'm enjoying your blog, the writing and especially the illustrations are wonderful.

Sarah Tone In dijo...

I am astonished at your eloquent use of English. Is it indeed your second language? You certainly have a way with words. I've read your blog before and thought this same thought only I didn't say anything. The clencher, I think, is when I read "whirring fan."

guapa la comida (se dicen guapo como jerga no cierto?) bueno, de todas maneras fue un placer.

Lulu LaBonne dijo...

I'll swap with you - it's raining here and I'm making soup

Anónimo dijo...

mmm, lemoned watermelon sounds absolutely lovely, but not while I'm huddled in front of the heater! good luck in the heat!

Si's blog dijo...

It is even better when the watermelon comes from your very own yard. I have a watermelon vine that is a volunteer, a gift from God and Mother Nature. And from someone spitting seeds. It is growing in my lawn and messing up the mowing but I let it and it is huge. 5 melons in various stages of readiness. Difficult to wait.

Si's blog dijo...

A truly delicious melon does not need anything. See mine at http://sinannblog.blogspot.com/. Bestest melon God ever grew.
