Let me just say, I´m all tired out from this neverending morning. Full blast work from 830, no coffee break, and doing 5 differnt things. That takes its toll. Plus, I´m starving, and inspired by these noodles in Chubby Hubby.
So I´m looking forward to cooking lunch. I think I quallify for one of those texts about coming home exhausted and not wanting to make a great production of dinner. True. So I have some shiitakes soaking, and I´ll boil some egg noodles, and sautee those mushrooms and a stack of thai stirfry veg, frozen and all chopped up. and then add some of the shiitake liquid, and hoisin sauce, and corn starch, and a splash of soy sauce. and add the noodles, toss them around. and that´s it. Slurp ahead.
I don´t know if those veg will be ok, but I see no reason why not. it´s the kind of convenience food I love, stuff that´s raw, and so is not potentially gross. And yet takes away the true complication of the stirfry, which is the chopping up.
No thtat chopping up is bad, per se. I can find it in me to enjoy the time spent cleaning and slicing and dicing. But not on a day like today. I want near instant gratification. in fact, I´m almost on the point of going out for lunch, but I don´t think that´s a good idea. it´s best to eat home, light and good. and then, when really you can take it no more, around 5, to go, have yourself some coffee and a treat, and then come back, rejuvenated and ready for more.